Monday, June 25, 2007

Adakah patut kamu menyangka bahawa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum sampai kepada kamu (ujian dan cubaan) seperti yang telah berlaku kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu? Mereka telah ditimpa kepapaan (kemusnahan hartabenda) dan serangan penyakit, serta digoncangkan (oleh ancaman bahaya musuh), sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman yang ada bersamanya: Bilakah (datangnya) pertolongan Allah?” Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat (asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh kepada agama Allah).(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 214)
Ujian & cubaan dari Allah itu datang dalam berbagai bentuk, cuma adakah kita sedar itu adalah ujianNya .... Adakah kita sabar dalam menghadapi semua itu? Gaji lambat, kena marah dan kereta dilanggar orang pun ujian call sebab ada tunggakan dan debt collector perli pun ujian yang perlu dihadapi. On the other hand, bila gaji naik, dapat bonus, rezeki murah & semua masalah settle pun ujian juga...adakah kita bersyukur terhadap nikmat ini.
(Mengapa mereka bersikap demikian?) dan mengapa mereka tidak melihat (dengan hati mereka) bahawa Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (sebagai cubaan adakah orang itu bersyukur atau sebaliknya), dan Ia juga yang menyempitkannya (sebagai ujian sama ada diterima dengan sabar atau tidak)? Sesungguhnya hal yang demikian itu mengandungi keterangan-keterangan (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang beriman.(Surah Ar-Ruum, Ayat 37)
Oleh itu bila kita dapat gaji lebih atau promotion, ingatlah itu ujian Allah pada kita dan begitulah sebaliknya. Kalau orang lain pulak yang murah rezeki, janganlah dengki sebab itu juga ujian untuk kita. Kalau orang lain yang kena buang kerja atau tindakan disiplin, jangan lah kita kata padan muka.. itu ujian untuk dia dan juga mungkin kita juga. Walau apapun, secara terkumpul, itulah bekalan kita nanti ...dalam menentukan layakkah kita ke syurga Allah.
The list could go on and on ... kena berdiri dalam tren yang padat pada masa kita sangat letih balik kerja dan bila sampai di rumah, rumah kita dah jadi tongkang pecah. Make things worse, kena pulak masak sebab anak kita dah nak pegi tuisyen atau suami dah nak kena keluar. & kita pulak rsa cam nak semuanya ada hikmahnya.
Dan ketahuilah bahawa harta benda kamu dan anak-anak kamu itu hanyalah menjadi ujian, dan sesungguhnya di sisi Allah jualah pahala yang besar.(Surah Al-Anfaal, Ayat 28)
I do not want to say much as I am not the expert on the matter. But to be reminded on the verses make me realise the extent of the feeling to the love ones... it is really unlimited. However, despite that, our love ones is just being borrowed to us. Are we ready to accept that they shall be taken away from us, sooner or later, either in the form we are the one who leave or otherwise? I guess that is when 'Iman' plays its role...and we call it 'redha'

Dan sememangnya tiadalah bagi Iblis sebarang kuasa untuk menyesatkan mereka, melainkan untuk menjadi ujian bagi melahirkan pengetahuan Kami tentang siapakah yang benar-benar beriman kepada hari akhirat dan siapa pula yang ragu-ragu terhadapnya. Dan (ingatlah) Tuhanmu sentiasa mengawal serta mengawasi tiap-tiap sesuatu.(Surah Saba’, Ayat 21)
Next time, bila terlambat bangun Subuh ...janganlah kita mudah menyalahkan syaitan, sebab kuasa memilih itu di tangan kita. Dan kita akan di adili atas pilihan kita .... syaitan itu memang akan sentiasa cuba untuk mengajak kita ke jalan yang salah.... mereka juga ujian untuk kita.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Children Education Fund - sound simple and manageable, yet if you asked parents, not many are really confident they can save enough for the kids' education. So a lot of alternative or in the form of investment has emerged to reduce the education burden in the future.

As parents, we dream for our kids bright they will lead a better life than ours, financially, physically and mentally. And we also want to provide a better place for them to grow pus better food etc.... mainly tangible material. Of course, all the services and goods we are purchasing now to make the kids smile has reduced our saving for the kids' education fund. But we have no choice, life has to go on and we continue to pamper our juniors @ kids.....

Or do we have the choice , to buy things and to save the fund simultaneously?

I believe we do, some of the things we bought for our kids are luxury, they can live without it. But we are afraid that our friends, neighbours and family think that we cannot afford or the kids will be spending more time at their friends' or neighbours'. Or it is just we do not want our kids to be out of date, we want them to have what others have. Aren't we, the parents, pathetic?

So, please tell me, are we doing the right thing? Or the thing right?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dress and outfit -

that is my sister's blog.. i tried to comment on her blog but somehow i cannot...i just do not know why. Therefore i post my comment on my blog, (na, u can read the comment here)

I just wonder when did the conversation took place & rsanya not everybody in the family is so particular on the outfit we wear. Nevertheless lets talk about fashion , in a different view......

I, like Linox is not particular about my dressing, so if she is 'selekeh', so do I. I guess we belong to the other group of the mankind and I do not think it is weird. But may be , we just do not like the adoration/admiration to us (of wearing the beautiful dress or ever changing style) . Furthermore as we do not bother how people potray their image or how good their dresses look, we expect others do not perceive us based on the dress we wore as well. (It can be wishfull thinking)

Well, that is what the world of my dream... but like it or not, we are being judged by the clothes we wear. So the selekeh ones, like me & my Linox, receive less attention. However, the attention that we received are more genuine (I believe). It makes life easier, in some ways - like choosing a friend.

However, the better dressed aways receive better treatment.... c'est la vie.

Rasulullah SAW prefers a neatly dress individuals as it potrays neatness and cleaniness. However, I do not think quantity is part of it,nor does variety. So as long as it is acceptable Islamically, it is ok. The religion prohibits excessiveness, thus if you do not need many dresses i.e you are not going to wear it, do not buy or tempah just for the sake of quantity.

It is all up to you. It is your life, live it as you please.... after all it is only you who are responsible to it. If pleasing others will make you happy, go on pleasing them. If otherwise, then do the otherwise...Just remember everything has its pros and cons, and we are responsible person to decide which is the BEST.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sometimes give the kid a spank, it won't hurt him, it could save his life later......

That was a quote I read last night.

I have to agree with the statement despite a growing concern over physical abuse towards kids nowadays. Lack of good spanks, I believed , has turned our adorable kids to become a can't-stand-the-attitude rascal. The way their remarks were delivered/communicated to us is a far cry from our accepted courtersy level.

So what is a good spank? Where is the line that seperate the acceptable spank and the one that is considered physical abuse that is intolerable? Could it be the spank that left a scar is abuse, those that is not is a teaching mechanism? How about the one that does not scratch a line but traumatised the kid? Will that be ok or an abuse as well?

I remember reading an email a few years ago, spoiled the kids in his 1st seven years, spanked him had he disobeyed your instruction in the next seven years and talked and reasoned with him when he disagree with you in the seven years after that. He is ready to be a man in by 21 years old. I find it is true.. in the 1st 7 years, build the foundation...which is based on love and affection, after all that is the time to try and learn (for the 1st time), so the error should be corrected smoothly. The 2nd phase, is the primary school days, the kids is getting more adventureous. The punishment should be harsher , as it is time to build the defence. The 3rd phase is getting him ready to enter adulthood, to control emotion and to be more sensible. So after all the learning process, he is ready to be adult

It also remind me of how to act when your kids refuse to pray. A reminder before 7 years old. You can scold the kid by 10 years old.

So is the combination fits our lifestyle today? By right, it should.....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Kris has returned home last night, or to be exact early morning. At about 12.00 midnight, just after Kellie entered the house, I heard a familiar sound, meowing at the door step. As the door opened, there stood Kris, a bit dirty ( actually very dirty). After a short greeting to Kellie, off he went to the kitchen, looking for FOOD. He must be hungry...I just watched him eating. After his supper (or may be dinner and lunch for 2 days), I took him and checked him... just to ensure it is really Kris. Then I noticed how really dirty he was. He needed to be bathed. So at 12++ midnight, he had his bath and it is confirmed the cat is Kris. I am really happy for his homecoming.

This afternoon, I received a call from my daughter, informing that the fish which is supposed to be their lunch has become Kris's lunch instead. I just wonder, within 2 days, the cat has learned to be fish snatcher... probably due to food shortage during his voyage. (He is actually a bit thinner). I hope he will left the unpleasant habit he learned during the voyage and back to his accepted and my approved behaviour. However, I wish he will 'berak' in the toilet instead under the sink though. This will help my time management significantly.

What touch me (or worries me) is actually, even when my cat went missing, I am really worried..and pray for his safe return. I cannot imagine if one of my kids decided to leave shall i react? I may say ok, they want to be independent...will i miss them? Terribly I suppose. Will I pray for their well being, eat well, sleep well and ...well in everything? Of course, I will.

I guess that is how our parents felt towards us. It must be really sad to let go and risk your siblings to struggle in the adulthood world. However, that is the wheel of life. So tonight, I shall call my parents... don't get me wrong, I always call them..and I "balik kampung" more than three times a year. In fact, I just went back last two week.

So ... next time your mum call for your help or assistance, remember Rasulullah said, it means never answer with "jap" or "waitla" or in other word ..... just do it (... Ain't it great to be MOM?

I am reading a book title " Akhlak Seorang Muslim" by Imam Al Ghazali. Although quiet boring in the beginning , it is getting interesting by the chapters, thereafter by pages

One of the chapter is about Amanah. The one that we should uphold.

It is amazing to know that the extent of our amanah. Do you know that had you award / give work to the less qualified person when a better person is available, there is a breach of trust? And Rasulullah SAW had warned that this would happened "di akhir zaman" where the expert is not sought for decision purpose. And the scope gets wider.....

I am still reading and it is in the recommended list.

Meanwhile, we better check our act....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Today, I suppose, more like a missing day to me....
My cat , Kris, is missing. Some said he went to the school ground and did not return. He is just a kampong cat , not persian nor siamese. But being a cat that is being looked after, had his bath and eat well, he looks handsome...more like Puss in the Boot. So my worries has developed.... some one might just stole him.
In addition, the newly given pair of gold fish were dead this morning. Although, they were not missed as much as the cat, but it does break the heart. I still have hope for Kris to return home, safe and sound, but I need to purchase the fish to replace the dead ones. ...Only the kids has little hope in getting the fish from us, the parents.
On the other hand, although no matter how sad or how bad we miss the lost one, we have to remember that all of us belongs to the Almighty. He decides when our loves one will be taken from us, be it our pet , our assets or our family. In facing the circumstances, we must always remember that we too are going to see Him as well, sooner or later.
Thus, in our short lifetime, we should make the best of our time in fulfilling and prioritising our duties to all relevant parties. The choice is up to us...who is the most important to us, who is next, and next, and next. They are our assets ( let not convert to be our liability).

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