Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sometimes give the kid a spank, it won't hurt him, it could save his life later......

That was a quote I read last night.

I have to agree with the statement despite a growing concern over physical abuse towards kids nowadays. Lack of good spanks, I believed , has turned our adorable kids to become a can't-stand-the-attitude rascal. The way their remarks were delivered/communicated to us is a far cry from our accepted courtersy level.

So what is a good spank? Where is the line that seperate the acceptable spank and the one that is considered physical abuse that is intolerable? Could it be the spank that left a scar is abuse, those that is not is a teaching mechanism? How about the one that does not scratch a line but traumatised the kid? Will that be ok or an abuse as well?

I remember reading an email a few years ago, spoiled the kids in his 1st seven years, spanked him had he disobeyed your instruction in the next seven years and talked and reasoned with him when he disagree with you in the seven years after that. He is ready to be a man in by 21 years old. I find it is true.. in the 1st 7 years, build the foundation...which is based on love and affection, after all that is the time to try and learn (for the 1st time), so the error should be corrected smoothly. The 2nd phase, is the primary school days, the kids is getting more adventureous. The punishment should be harsher , as it is time to build the defence. The 3rd phase is getting him ready to enter adulthood, to control emotion and to be more sensible. So after all the learning process, he is ready to be adult

It also remind me of how to act when your kids refuse to pray. A reminder before 7 years old. You can scold the kid by 10 years old.

So is the combination fits our lifestyle today? By right, it should.....

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