Friday, December 05, 2008

Now I am watching the news - a landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa which has claimed 3 lives and 7 are still missing. This is a 3rd landslide made public this week in Klang Valley.

I do not have much info on the cause of the slides, except the theories from various parties.

However, what amazed me is that the parents whose child(ren) has perished in the slides. Their calmness (especially the fathers) really touched me. They have accepted the fact that all our belongings including our loved ones are gift from Allah, borrowed to us and He has the privilege to claim them back. As such we should be obliged to return them to Him, and as potrayed by these parents, accept the fact with open heart.

I have high regard to these parents. They are indeed very patient and accepted the fate, as any good muslim should. In every misfotune there is a lesson to be learnt and hikmah to observed. May Allah blessed them and extend His support in return.

To the rest of us, we should be more kinder to our earth and living things. Our co-existence on earth require respect from all parties.

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