Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dress and outfit -

that is my sister's blog.. i tried to comment on her blog but somehow i cannot...i just do not know why. Therefore i post my comment on my blog, (na, u can read the comment here)

I just wonder when did the conversation took place & rsanya not everybody in the family is so particular on the outfit we wear. Nevertheless lets talk about fashion , in a different view......

I, like Linox is not particular about my dressing, so if she is 'selekeh', so do I. I guess we belong to the other group of the mankind and I do not think it is weird. But may be , we just do not like the adoration/admiration to us (of wearing the beautiful dress or ever changing style) . Furthermore as we do not bother how people potray their image or how good their dresses look, we expect others do not perceive us based on the dress we wore as well. (It can be wishfull thinking)

Well, that is what the world of my dream... but like it or not, we are being judged by the clothes we wear. So the selekeh ones, like me & my Linox, receive less attention. However, the attention that we received are more genuine (I believe). It makes life easier, in some ways - like choosing a friend.

However, the better dressed aways receive better treatment.... c'est la vie.

Rasulullah SAW prefers a neatly dress individuals as it potrays neatness and cleaniness. However, I do not think quantity is part of it,nor does variety. So as long as it is acceptable Islamically, it is ok. The religion prohibits excessiveness, thus if you do not need many dresses i.e you are not going to wear it, do not buy or tempah just for the sake of quantity.

It is all up to you. It is your life, live it as you please.... after all it is only you who are responsible to it. If pleasing others will make you happy, go on pleasing them. If otherwise, then do the otherwise...Just remember everything has its pros and cons, and we are responsible person to decide which is the BEST.


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