Monday, July 16, 2007

Do you believe that for every action there is always be an equal and opposite reaction?
Do you believe that if you love somebody , you should let him / her free?
Do you believe that getting even just a way to show that you are equally stupid with the other person?
Do you believe that force will not change one's mind nor opinion?
I met a lady last weekend who believe her husband is having an affair with a young woman. The husband does not say a word about it to me, but the bruises on her face suggested that he had hit her. But then , she also provoked his action to do so. Plus, the husband also is in the opinion that his wife is having affair with another guy..., she denied that.Of course, because of this, they fight and she has also physically attacked the other lady. And trying to give a cold shoulder to the husband. The husband, in return (or may be he is the one who started it) also provide a cold reaction...and the fighting continues. ( so does the tracked back until before they were even married)
So, does marriage gives you the right to dictate who to love? I think marriage dictates the responsibility but not love. Love is earned and comes from the soul.People fall in and out of love everyday. So you need to take care of the love to ensure it grows and never dies...or at least it is at the same level all the time. Never take anything for granted..even the air that you breath. Responsibility on the other hand ties your need together as it can be measured. Marriage will continue if the couple respect their responsibility and honour it even without love but it is like a lifeless tree, without the soul.

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