Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I do not know if you notice or not. There is nothing good about other parties in Malaysia now except UMNO and BN. They are the angels, make no mistakes nor wrong. Lingam is freed. I bet Anwar will be found guilty, etc etc. Kuala Dipang incident is not their fault. All opponents MP is willingly joined them, opponents are all bad. No more opponents can voice out. No news on investigation of the fallen stadium nor the collapsed school hall. In fact, I believe all media voice is barred.

Inflation now is based on 2005 price, and that has misled consumers on inflation. They declared inflation at 1.9%... but the price of everything is rocketed high. Chicken is sold nearly at RM 7 per kg, chilies at double digit figure per kg, fishes prices soar and the list goes on. He asked everybody to understand the recession (not asking bonus) yet on the next event mentioning the recession is over and the economy is recovering, that is why he is travelling abroad frequently.

to be continued

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today, 26 April 2009, I am in Miri Sarawak. I have been here since 23 April. This is my fourth day in a row. I was here last week for 3 days. I was in Sintok for 2 days in between 19 April and 23 April. And I am feeling very miserable.

I am missing my home and family...... i am feeling blue.

I wish to go to sleep and wake up on Monday for my flight to KL. Or better still I am home now. Ya Allah... please help me going thru this 2 days. please help me, i do not feel like working. why am i here? why am i need to ensure all works settle regardless whether it is Monday or Sunday or Saturday or Friday? Is this worth the salary paid to me? Please Allah, give me some guidance to decide. Is it worth the pain?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well,it has been a while since I last update this column. A lot has happened since. My life has been stirring around my work,I guess not much time is spent alone . Every spare moment is meant for the family.

Travelling is a norm now, there is monthly visit to Sarawak and occasional trip to Johore. More places to go in the near future. I need to schedule the trips so my time with the family could be maximised.

Someone mention to me " Do not take anything for granted.Not even the air that we breath" I can't agree more. Everything has its price or the opportunity cost. Thus, do consider the ones dearest to you most. They are the ones who will support and love you when your world fall apart. Cherish them while you still have a chance. So you won't weep when they are gone. Or you will be part of their sweet memories. At least you will be missed by them and your memory lives.

Lastly, I pray to Allah SWT for our goodfortune and well being. I hope we shall prosper in everything we do and be blessed by Him. Amen.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Now I am watching the news - a landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa which has claimed 3 lives and 7 are still missing. This is a 3rd landslide made public this week in Klang Valley.

I do not have much info on the cause of the slides, except the theories from various parties.

However, what amazed me is that the parents whose child(ren) has perished in the slides. Their calmness (especially the fathers) really touched me. They have accepted the fact that all our belongings including our loved ones are gift from Allah, borrowed to us and He has the privilege to claim them back. As such we should be obliged to return them to Him, and as potrayed by these parents, accept the fact with open heart.

I have high regard to these parents. They are indeed very patient and accepted the fate, as any good muslim should. In every misfotune there is a lesson to be learnt and hikmah to observed. May Allah blessed them and extend His support in return.

To the rest of us, we should be more kinder to our earth and living things. Our co-existence on earth require respect from all parties.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The above is the link to my other friendster. Not that I blog very often, but there are some of my opinion which I like to share. In a way it does reflect myself and my belief and principle.

The election fever is in the air now. Alhough the campaign for the 12th Malaysian General Election is very much the same as it was in the 11th and before, the BN has utilised all venue and channels to advertise and persuade voters to vote for them. To the extent, they have passed the verdict that only they have the knowledge to run the country. It is implied becoz they have ruled Malaysia for the last 51 years, in fact it is only them who ruled Malaysia. Thus, basically Malaysia has never changed.

A wise man said, "You would not know your ability until it is tested" and a Malay proverb said " Manakan dapat sagunya kalau tidak dipecah ruyungnya" (something like that). Thus, how could you passed the verdict if it was never tested In fact, I guess Kelantan is administered peacefully for the last 18 years although with a lot of disturbances from the BN Federal Government.

From my humble and limited view, the Federal BN govt has adopted many administration policy introduced by Kelantan Pas govt such as 5 working days for the govt servants, pajak gadai Islam (ar rahni), intrduction of khairat to ease the burden for the elderly, encouragement for Islamic practice and movement towards 90 days maternity leave, to name afew. BN with its huge fund availability has the advantage of unlimited monetary resources. The effect of ruling the country for more than 50 years has ensure their activity shall be smoothly financed, I guess as proverb says " you rub my back, i rub your back".

Although, I hate the idea of 'taking turn rubbing the back' method is being used in administrating the country, the majority of the people seems to like the idea. I guess they want to join the rubbing match and compete to be the winner. And even though, the BN is proudly showing off their material mercu tanda in KL and other places as the economic triumph to win the election, I still believe economic index is not the most important factor in running a country. As I believe that our existence is to serve Allah swt., thus all aspect in administering the country should be due to Him, i.e. do what He ask to do and do not do anything He prohibits, and it should not be "it is only business (where profitability in dollars and sen is the deciding factor), nothing personal" attitude. In a society, the personal factors contributes to the social behaviour and security and safety of the community.

Me.. I do not mind living modestly as long as it is safe, peaceful, happy and most importantly Islamically friendly. Who shall I vote? Mereka yang menegakkan hukum Allah swt... whoever he/ she may be. If BN or other party declared they shall tegakkan hukum Allah sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Alquraan (dan hadis/sunnah) if in power and can convince me that they shall keep their words with their power, I will be very happy to vote for them. Otherwise, I need to prepare myself for prevention against the Allah's anger hd He asked me why I chose a leader not following His order. After all, my existence and everything I have is due to His blessings. Therefore, should't I make Him happy? Guess I should. How about you?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It has been a month since I wrote here... and a lot has happened during the month.

There was a fire in Kluang that claimed 5 lives. The cause of the fire was burning candles ... the family electricity was cut off due to unsettlement of bills. If I was not mistaken, 4 children survived the fire. Ironically, the dead children had ran back into the burning house after realising their parents were still there.

I guess life is getting tougher each day... the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer despite the 'kemakmuran' derived from 50 years of independence. I have friends ( and we heard and saw people) travel to faraway places, dine in expensive restaurant, spending money just-to-scream-for-a-ride, buy luxury cars and the list goes on.....which shows that there are rich people spending (to my opinion throwing) money for luxury not necessity nor comfort. At the other end of the society scale, poor people does not even have enough to pay for the basic needs (may be a little better that the human rights). So I guess tha gap between the haves and have-nots is getting wider every day. I believe that is why we have to pay zakat and give sedekah, it should narrow the gap... after all the richness that was/is bestowed to us is actually borrowed from the Almighty. He could take it back anytime He pleases. Ideally, by giving and helping the have-nots , we would not read nor hear the sad story coming out of poverty. It is not mean that we are encouraging laziness among us but more on the caring side. I believe we have come across the very lucky who did not need to think or work hard but enjoy the luxury of life. On the other hand we also meet the ones who work to the bone and study like hell or have all the best vision but still live in poverty or mediocre.

So I attached here what I have found in the net, which I believe could be a piece of knowledge or reminder to us ( It is in our mother tongue):

Dan Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian dari kamu atas sebahagian yang lain pada rezeki yang dikurniakanNya; dalam pada itu, orang-orang yang diberi kelebihan itu tidak mahu memberikan sebahagian dari kelebihan hartanya kepada hamba-hamba mereka, supaya orang-orang itu dapat sama mempunyai harta. Maka mengapa mereka tergamak mengingkari nikmat Allah itu dengan perbuatan syirik?(Surah Al-Nahl, Ayat 71)

Furthermore, exercising good deeds is actually good and make you feel good. Good deed is an ibadah and doing it in the name of Allah SWT will benefit us both in this world and thereafter.

Bukanlah perkara kebajikan itu hanya kamu menghadapkan muka ke pihak timur dan barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah berimannya seseorang kepada Allah, dan hari akhirat, dan segala malaikat, dan segala Kitab, dan sekalian Nabi; dan mendermanya seseorang akan hartanya sedang ia menyayanginya, - kepada kaum kerabat, dan anak-anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin dan orang yang terlantar dalam perjalanan, dan kepada orang-orang yang meminta, dan untuk memerdekakan hamba-hamba abdi; dan mengerjanya seseorang akan sembahyang serta mengeluarkan zakat; dan perbuatan orang-orang yang menyempurnakan janjinya apabila mereka membuat perjanjian; dan ketabahan orang-orang yang sabar dalam masa kesempitan, dan dalam masa kesakitan, dan juga dalam masa bertempur dalam perjuangan perang Sabil. orang-orang yang demikian sifatnya), mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar (beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan); dan mereka itulah juga orang-orang yang bertaqwa.(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 177)

It is now 12+++ midnite, it is time to sleep. Today 23/8 is my wedding anivessary . HAPPY ANIVESSARY.....MAY WE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hari ni hujan turun dari pagi, actually since yesterday...i thought of going to my siister's place butlooks like I have to forget about it..... and this also has resulted my weekend laundry is not drying up, well at least not dry & crispy. So the ironing tonite is not going to be a large load since the laundry is still wet. There will be some more ironing throughout next week......How I hate ironing??

Dan belanjakanlah (apa yang ada pada kamu) kerana (menegakkan) agama Allah, dan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri kamu ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan (dengan bersikap bakhil); dan baikilah (dengan sebaik-baiknya segala usaha dan) perbuatan kamu; kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berusaha memperbaiki amalannya.(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 195)

I found terjemahan diatas dalam It is a good website, at least for me.. when i am feeling down, I can search for AL -Quraan verses to cheer me up.

Talking about the above verse, although I am not the expert, I would like to express my understanding...Do provide feedback if my understanding is not quiet right. Harta yang kita cari ataupun pendapatan ( macam gaji kita) bukanlah untuk kita bermewah-mewah... although it is our perogative to decide what to do with our hard earned money. Tapi bukankah rezeki kita itu datang dari Allah S.W.T, dan semudah Dia memberi begitu juga sesenang itu Dia dapat mengambilnya semula... so sepatutnya kita gunakan rezeki menurut kehendakNya. Siapalah kita sebenarnya... bukankan kita hanya hambaNya.

And improving our self to the betterment is a good sentiasalah kita berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri kita dan sentiasa belajar dan menimba ilmu. Dengan ilmu, kita akan menjadi insan yang lebih baik provided kita mengamalkan ilmu yang dipelajari sebaik mungkin. Insya Allah.

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