Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It has been a month since I wrote here... and a lot has happened during the month.

There was a fire in Kluang that claimed 5 lives. The cause of the fire was burning candles ... the family electricity was cut off due to unsettlement of bills. If I was not mistaken, 4 children survived the fire. Ironically, the dead children had ran back into the burning house after realising their parents were still there.

I guess life is getting tougher each day... the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer despite the 'kemakmuran' derived from 50 years of independence. I have friends ( and we heard and saw people) travel to faraway places, dine in expensive restaurant, spending money just-to-scream-for-a-ride, buy luxury cars and the list goes on.....which shows that there are rich people spending (to my opinion throwing) money for luxury not necessity nor comfort. At the other end of the society scale, poor people does not even have enough to pay for the basic needs (may be a little better that the human rights). So I guess tha gap between the haves and have-nots is getting wider every day. I believe that is why we have to pay zakat and give sedekah, it should narrow the gap... after all the richness that was/is bestowed to us is actually borrowed from the Almighty. He could take it back anytime He pleases. Ideally, by giving and helping the have-nots , we would not read nor hear the sad story coming out of poverty. It is not mean that we are encouraging laziness among us but more on the caring side. I believe we have come across the very lucky who did not need to think or work hard but enjoy the luxury of life. On the other hand we also meet the ones who work to the bone and study like hell or have all the best vision but still live in poverty or mediocre.

So I attached here what I have found in the net, which I believe could be a piece of knowledge or reminder to us ( It is in our mother tongue):

Dan Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian dari kamu atas sebahagian yang lain pada rezeki yang dikurniakanNya; dalam pada itu, orang-orang yang diberi kelebihan itu tidak mahu memberikan sebahagian dari kelebihan hartanya kepada hamba-hamba mereka, supaya orang-orang itu dapat sama mempunyai harta. Maka mengapa mereka tergamak mengingkari nikmat Allah itu dengan perbuatan syirik?(Surah Al-Nahl, Ayat 71)

Furthermore, exercising good deeds is actually good and make you feel good. Good deed is an ibadah and doing it in the name of Allah SWT will benefit us both in this world and thereafter.

Bukanlah perkara kebajikan itu hanya kamu menghadapkan muka ke pihak timur dan barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah berimannya seseorang kepada Allah, dan hari akhirat, dan segala malaikat, dan segala Kitab, dan sekalian Nabi; dan mendermanya seseorang akan hartanya sedang ia menyayanginya, - kepada kaum kerabat, dan anak-anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin dan orang yang terlantar dalam perjalanan, dan kepada orang-orang yang meminta, dan untuk memerdekakan hamba-hamba abdi; dan mengerjanya seseorang akan sembahyang serta mengeluarkan zakat; dan perbuatan orang-orang yang menyempurnakan janjinya apabila mereka membuat perjanjian; dan ketabahan orang-orang yang sabar dalam masa kesempitan, dan dalam masa kesakitan, dan juga dalam masa bertempur dalam perjuangan perang Sabil. orang-orang yang demikian sifatnya), mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar (beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan); dan mereka itulah juga orang-orang yang bertaqwa.(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 177)

It is now 12+++ midnite, it is time to sleep. Today 23/8 is my wedding anivessary . HAPPY ANIVESSARY.....MAY WE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER

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