Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rasanya cerita Zidane ni dah meleret pulak... Hari ni (13/7) ada French lawyer nak bawa kes ke mahkamah sbb katanya pengadil rujuk video msa buat decision although denied by the referee ( he asked the 4th officer). If case ni menang, dah nak nullified the game and has to be replayed pulak.
Actually, hari ni dah 20 Julai... so malas lah jugak nak cerita pasal ni lagi. Tunggu ajerla, FIFA nak kata apa. Yang pasti Italy dah menang, Zidane dah gantung boot, Juventus dah turun serie-b. Ronaldo kna balik ke MU. & semua2 ada kereta mewah dari berbagai jenama.
Malam tadi tgk Brunei lawan Perak utk Liga Malaysia. Kesian kita... main dalam hujan yang lebat pulak tu. Kat Parlimen , hari belum semalam, Abdul Ghapur dah suruh semua org dalam FAM letak jawatan sbb Malaysia dah jatuh ke no. 146 dlm ranking FIFA. Tp kak ani fikir2 x patut juga suruh my team ganti tempat dia org. Myteam pun blum menunjukkan apa2 kelebihan lagi. Janganla sebab Khairy (menantu PM) adalah orang kuat Myteam, terus nak recognise his contribution biarpun tanpa achievement...lebih kurang bodek secara terbuka la ni.
Tapi kalau nak ikutkan, memang pemimpin kat Malaysia ni cam tu... dulu Dr. M semua nya bagus, sekarang sebab dia dah x berkuasa, he is no good and semua yang berlaku diera pemerintahannya adalah terpaksa. Sekarang Pak Lah is all good, kalau Najib naik besok, the Islam Hadhari dah no good. Mungkin Najib will introduce a military style and everybody will say.." yes, that is what we need.." Kalau cam ni, rasanya baik isyraf jadi PM laa..sebab at least kalau dia x suka dia akan nangis dan pukul org yg buli dia. Mak dia sentiasa ok, so I think he is my best candidate. org pun x nak bodek dia sbb sometimes his action is non tolerable, x nangis biar pun sakit. On the other hand, may be kalau dia jadi PM, org pun nak bodek dia to the highest degree...he may forget his mother.....Thus, x yah laa...let somebody else carry that burden.
Rasanya dah banyak sangat kerosakan kat dunia ni...and the biggest contributor now is US . I cannot bear to listen to the Israel invasion with US vetoing the world's resistence. Knapalah the tsunami or earthquake does not hit them in huge magnitude. Indonesia plak yang kena..After saying this, Allah s.w.t must have its answer and I believe He has His reason for that. Allah akan balas balasan yang setimpal untuk orang yang menghina agamaNya. Mereka yang mati mempertahankan agamaNya adalah syahid...what more does a muslim want? masuk syurga laa dan sentiasa disenangi Allah. Kalau kat sana , mereka syahid kerana mempertahankan bumi dan agama mereka dari musuh Allah, kalau kita ke sana join mereka , r we fi sbililah jugak dan can gugur as syahid juga. if so, we are better be there...tapi sapa nak jaga tanah melayu & agama islam kita yang juga diancam musuh secara aman.
Do u want to think about it?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Ok let's talk about the issue in the newspaper today. Expelled because you wear serban to school? Regardless of what that judge said, I think this is similar to expelled because you wear hijab to school, the case that happened in France. And we call Malaysia an Islamic country. What a pathetic incident? It is not due to who is pious or not ( the judge raise that issue). For me , what is the problem with wearing serban? Is there any problem? Does it impose any deficiency or will it influence the society negatively? If the judge view that Islamic way of dressing as negative , then negative he shall perceived. I do not think that way, thus I do not understand his reason. What I felt he was influenced by others, that is not to potray the Islamic dressing.
I want others to know I am a muslim. So that they are aware of my faith and what I believe in. I want to dress like I am a muslim, regardless it is a must (wajib) or preference (sunat). I would not want anybody to take that right ( freedom to dress up ). Unless my dressing is a threat to national security or morally wrong or end up negatively, I do not believe anybody (not even authority nor the judge) should prevent me from doing so.
So does wearing serban to school is a threat to national security or morally wrong or will end up with negative effect? If you are the follower of the American George Bush, you will say yes to the question. For me that American is the terrorist and is a threat to the security, national or global.
So I guess you know what is my opinion .....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I think I just had enough with my boss today. I did not say hello nor asked on his next trip to Johore nor update him on our cash position. I will do that once he got back.

I do not wish to write what is actually on my mind now... coz it is not a piece of good news. I have a list of things on my mind which covers my work, my family, my subordinates, my colleagues and of course my life. This has become a desperate list .... However, Allah will always be there to guide me, I hope.
And guess what happened whilst I was typing.... my boss walked in. So I have to update him on the issue plus others... Well , as I said earlier... Allah will always be there. Isn't He the Most Merciful and Powerful.
Now let's talked about heftier fine for losing MyKad.
I believe the government should review this as I believe this is very unfair to the victims of pick pocketers or snatcher. Being a victim myself, we have suffered enough - the loss of the documents , money and sometimes body injury, I think it is not fair being further punished with the fine on losing the card. It is okay if they can accept the photocopied copy being carried around instead of original MyKad. However that is not the case. We have to produce the original when we were stopped for inspection. The bag snatching / pick pocketing cases are increasing and getting more violent each day. Thus where is the justification for us to be fine heftier. I guess this is more like "Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga" case.
Yet, who shall we voice our grievances to? Our MP? When does our cabinet take the MPs opinion seriously? Often, the MPs disagreements will not be entertained. If the MP is from the ruling party, they have to follow the boss's decision, out of respect to the party (or something like that). Failing that, you shall be subject to the disciplinary action by the party. If on the other hand, you are the Opposition MP, you shall be labeled as "never agree with the government, no matter what". Thus , where does this leave us.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Well , let me share with you on the thought of the official relationship e.g. marriage, engagement, business deal etc.etc.. that is the topic discussed by Halim Othman and Rina over Sinar this morning.

Before that let me express my frustration over my boss...

I suppose we do not agree on many things apparently, except the part of team work and marketing (he is a marketeer, so that is why I agree on his principle). Now I presumed he wants everybody to meet everyone, and I disagreed. They are going to make payment electronically to us , so I cannot see the reason why I need to burge the officer at client's place. If it will be in their system, there is nothing the officer can do or cannot do. I prefer following the procedure not doing as and when u please, no matter how desperate you are. I think he got pissed off coz I do not want to go & see the officer (as i do not see any reason for doing so), so he tried to get my colleague to see the officer. I , on the other hand, believe too many people trying to reach a person will anger the person. Thus, only one spokesman is enough. Even two is too many.
Well that is for today...I believe we have our own problem. Let me handle my area my way, and have courtesy to ask for permission before entering.

It seems the World Cup post fever is still hot. Today, we are still discussing on the final match and suddenly I realised that I now know who is Metarazzi, including his first name is Marco and he is 23 years old. I did not realise he is the scorer for the Italian equalising goal. I remembered him as the guy that provoked Zidane and the reason for the red card being granted. Well, others may remember him otherwise...

Despite the unfortunate incident , Zidane has been awarded the golden ball award for 2006. It is not a surprising award to him. I think he deserved the award. For the time being, I think enough has been spoken regarding the incident and we shall wait for his comment. Probably, next week.

Metarazzi? He denied calling Zidane terrorist but still does not said what has sparked the incident.

I shall wait......

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Early this morning, I woke up to watch the football match : France vs Italy. Although I missed the penalty took by Zidane for the opening goal, I managed to watch him being sent off for head butting Metarazzi.
I really adore Zidane, he is a good player & will always be. He is not hot tempered, so I believe what the Italian said must be verrrrry irritating (or insulting or the kind). That was why he retaliated the way he did this morning. I blamed that Italian boy. He must have provoked Zidane.
However, regardless of that incident, Zinadine Zidane is still a legend in the modern football history. It does tarnish his image but it won't be major. He will be remembered as 3 times player of the year and the magician of football. Others have done more damage than him, and yet the positive contribution to the sport is recognised and not the red cards.
France started the World Cup 2006 campaign not as a favourite team and with average players' age of 30+, they are considered too old. Yet Zidane has instrumentalised and led the team to win over the matches, including the favourite teams. This alone has attract praises from all corners of the world. So despite the loss thru penalty shoot out, France still a winner and Zidane is still a hero.
The last time I watched PSO at World Cup final is when Italy lost to Brazil in 1994- Roberto Baggio missed the kick, it went rocketing to the sky. So I guess Italy really appreciate the 2006 PSO.
Well as they said " The ball is round. You can be up and you can also be down"... Life is like that, but footbal does make every body in the circle talking, does not matter whether it is friendly or harshly.

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